
Follow our attempt to launch!
webassets/kickstarterLogo.jpg  updates:

Frank Brunner cover.

Nearly 2,000 years ago, Kenneth the Conjuror failed his village.

A Portal opened in the center of Reveshire.  Moments later, marauding Demons poured into the square - looting or destroying everything in sight.  Kenneth's lifelong love, Rhianna, was stolen back to Dis.  Kenneth's family was slaughtered.

To ensure that Kenneth would fulfill their nefarious purposes, the Demons cursed the young apprentice with long life.  Before he could rescue Rhianna, the Portals between all worlds were permanently sealed.  Kenneth was stuck, along with all visiting OtherWorlders, on Earth.

The Conjuror Zero picks up Kenneth's tale in present-day California.  The Conjuror has spent long, lonely millennia searching for a way back through to Rhianna.  Today, he's close. 

And the Demons have been waiting.



Cover by Jack Gregory.

Alternate cover by Ash Jackson

Don Quixote & The Knight of the Full Moon
The lost history of dark adventures Don Quixote encountered on his travels.
Was DQ truly mad, or was he the victim of supernatural tricksters? 
Remember when he entered an enchanted portal
to encounter Christopher Robin and Winne the Pooh?
Wondered what happened to Tar Man? William Stout's classic creation for The Return of the Living Dead?
He's here -- within the walls of the Crystalline Palace!!!
Look for Kickstarter launch soon!
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Graphic Lit
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FREE Previews
The Conjuror Zero -
Issues Zero, 1, 2, and 3!
For a limited time, while we promote 
comiXology's Guided View
safely download action-packed PDFs of
And, the super-charged
climax to Book 1, Issue 3!
Want to read the entire First Act?
1st graphic novel in a single PDF: 
Book 1 GN
Download PDF of 

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 Please look out for our
1st KICKSTARTER campaign to launch Issue 1 into print! 
This is the latest Stretch Goal contender.
An amazing image by the masterful Tom Mandrake.
We wanna hear from you.
Write in and let us know what you know.
The collected volume of Issues 0, 1, 2, 3 will be coming
together as The Conjuror Zero Book 1 on
comiXology. Look forward to a fresh cover featuring
the stylistic wonders of Juan Doe!

More stories from the ConjurVerse: 
Plotting is going 'low-steam ahead' on a series of one-shots under
the working titles - 
The Conjuror Zero:
Around the Edge of the World 
- and -
Tales of the OtherWorlders:
OtherWorld Pirates of the Terran Seas.

KrushSuit-1 in Flight
KrushSuit-1 in Flight


MLE1 Suit in Flight      Shannon/MLE1 split view      Shannon in MLE1 3 views.jpg    
PROFESSOR KRUSHER, Kenneth's closest confidante,
has secrets of his own.  A preview of his
Krush Suit generated lots of excitement at the cons. And, now,
 we introduce SHANNON in her MLE-1 Suit! 

Professor Krusher and his granddaughter,
Shannon Krusher, in her MLE1 suit,
will have their own stories - along with the Angels,
and the rest of our familiar
mythical misfits stranded on Earth -
in the upcoming anthology,
Tales of 


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   The Art of Issue 1

Issue1/FinalJGCoverandLogoopenhandflat.jpg Issue1/Bkcpage5.jpg Issue1/Ckcpage6.jpg Issue1/Dkcpage7v2.jpg
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The Art of Issue 2

Issue2/LHktheciss2page3.jpg Issue2/Kktheciss2page4.jpg Issue2/Jktheciss2page5.jpg Issue2/Iktheciss2page6NGColors.jpg
Issue2/Dktheciss2page14.jpg Issue2/Cktheciss2splashpage.jpg Issue2/Bktheciss2page22.1.jpg Issue2/Aktheciss2page24.1.jpg

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Thank you for joining us on the ground level of the Conjuror's epic adventure, and
Don Quixote's lost, dark tales.
Please support our first webassets/kickstarterLogo.jpg launch, soon!
Our Stretch-Goal Variant Covers will be great for
ground-level bragging rights!!! 
 Just for Fun:
3-minute MOVIES of Ash's original art for
Issue 1 and Issue 2.  
They had been on YouTube,
with Evanescence soundtracks,
but I guess the licensing expired. :( 
Still, a great way to browse the storyline. 
Print copies of Issue #0, then known as
Kenneth the Conjuror,
 may still be found in
the best local comic shops in Florida, NY, and California. 
The new website is coming eventually. In the meantime, to contact SunsetGLemail ConjurorZero@gmail.com.


© 2019 JRZ

Updated 8/14/21.  Can't wait to jump to the last page of Kenneth's first storyline?  Click here for the WGA-registered script.  And enter The Conjuror.